July 2022
Andrew Kovacs on July 15, 2022
Threats include:
- Influx of Anti-LGBTQ Activity During Pride Month | Civil Disturbance
- Pro-Abortion Group Jane’s Revenge Attacks Crisis Pregnancy Centers Throughout the U.S. | Civil Disturbance
- Use of TikTok by Service Members Continues to be National Security Concern for U.S. Lawmakers | Cyber
- “Incel” Terrorism is a Growing Domestic Threat | Terrorism
- Chinese Company Purchases Farmland Near Grand Forks Air Force Base | Foreign Intelligence Entities (FIE)
Hazards include:
- Earthquake in Afghanistan | Geological Hazards
- Chain of Command Issues Worsened Bonhomme Richard Fire | Maritime Mishap
- Monkeypox Virus Outbreak Spreads Throughout the U.S. | Biological Hazards
- Marine Corps Conducts Safety Stand Down after Six Aircraft Mishaps | Aircraft Mishap
- Extreme Heat Across the Southern United States | Meteorological Hazards
- Climate Change Impacts the U.S. Electric Grid | Meteorological Hazards