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April 2020

Threats include:

  • USNS Mercy Targeted by Attempted Train Ramming | Active Assailant
  • Cybercriminals Exploit COVID-19 Pandemic | Cyber
  • FBI Warns of “Zoom-Bombing” During COVID-19 Pandemic | Cyber
  • 5G Towers Linked to Conspiracy Theory, Burned in the UK | Property Crime

The Cruise Missile Threat to the U.S.

Cruise missiles pose a unique challenge to the United States and its allies. With their ability to fly at lower altitudes at up-to hypersonic speeds, the weapon has been integrated into the stockpiles of over 70 countries since their inception in the early 20th century. In casual parlance, they fly too low, too quickly to easily intercept, and they can be launched from a wide range of platforms.