An Introduction to Superfund Sites

In the October 2022 edition of the White Paper Series, the Intelligence & Analysis Division examines the roots of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act, now commonly know as “Superfund.” The long-term impacts of designated Superfund sites have been apparent for decades and will continue to be seen, even as the clean-up and restoration process is underway. This paper will provide an introduction to what a Superfund site designation means, the subsequent legal requirements, and the effects that may be seen over time or are already observed.

Accidental Disruption: An Overview

In the September 2022 edition of the White Paper Series, the Intelligence & Analysis Division examines the subject of accidental disruptions affecting critical systems and infrastructure. An accidental disruption is defined as the unintentional failure or loss of technology, systems, and utilities due to aging equipment and infrastructure, harsh environmental conditions coupled with inadequate maintenance, negligence, or other accidental events.  As seen in the paper’s case studies, accidental disruptions can have significant impacts to the environment, as well as public health and safety. This paper provides a baseline understanding of accidental disruptions and their effects.

Foreign Influence on Protest Activity: An Overview

In the August 2022 edition of the White Paper Series, the Intelligence & Analysis Division examines the relationship between social media, protest activity, and foreign adversaries. Adversaries such as Russia, China, and Iran have bolstered misinformation, disinformation, and malinformation on social media to create chaos, confusion, and division in the U.S. These social media strategies, which generate a more intense and divisive virtual environment, have sought to make U.S. society more polarized, influence U.S. political decisions, delegitimate democratic institutions, and create confusion. This promotion of divisiveness by foreign adversaries has contributed to the formation of protests, rallies, and other similar gatherings in the U.S.

July 2022

Threats include:

  • Influx of Anti-LGBTQ Activity During Pride Month | Civil Disturbance
  • Pro-Abortion Group Jane’s Revenge Attacks Crisis Pregnancy Centers Throughout the U.S. | Civil Disturbance
  • Use of TikTok by Service Members Continues to be National Security Concern for U.S. Lawmakers | Cyber
  • “Incel” Terrorism is a Growing Domestic Threat | Terrorism
  • Chinese Company Purchases Farmland Near Grand Forks Air Force Base | Foreign Intelligence Entities (FIE)

Hazards include:

  • Earthquake in Afghanistan | Geological Hazards
  • Chain of Command Issues Worsened Bonhomme Richard Fire | Maritime Mishap
  • Monkeypox Virus Outbreak Spreads Throughout the U.S. | Biological Hazards
  • Marine Corps Conducts Safety Stand Down after Six Aircraft Mishaps | Aircraft Mishap
  • Extreme Heat Across the Southern United States | Meteorological Hazards
  • Climate Change Impacts the U.S. Electric Grid | Meteorological Hazards

Hazard Seasonality: An Overview

In the July 2022 edition of the White Paper Series, the Intelligence & Analysis Division examines the subject of meteorological hazard seasonality as it relates to the emergency management process. An understanding of hazard seasons allows planners to predict peak occurrences and drive active risk reduction processes. Additionally, hazard seasonality can be affected by short-term trends such El Niño/ La Niña, as well as the long-term impacts of climate change. This paper provides a brief overview of hazard seasonality (as well as case studies related to flooding and wildfires) in order to enhance stakeholders’ understanding.

Nation-State Research Activities as a Deniable Cover for Espionage

In the June 2022 edition of the White Paper Series, the Intelligence & Analysis Division examines the foreign nation-state practice of utilizing legitimate scientific/research objectives, programs, and vessels as a deniable cover for espionage activities. U.S. adversaries such as Russia and China have been accused of such activity in recent years, to include the suspected tapping of undersea communications cables and the placing of undersea acoustic sensors near U.S. Naval hubs. In many of these cases, “dual-use” technology capable of both scientific and intelligence-gathering purposes was utilized, allowing deniability for U.S. adversaries.

April 2022

Threats include:

  • Three U.S Army Soldiers Accused in Gun Trafficking Ring with Chicago Gang | Insider Threat
  • Two Islamic State Assailants Conduct Attack in Israel | Terrorism
  • Russia Uses Hypersonic Missiles in Ukraine | Foreign Nation-State Military
  • Pro-Russian Hackers Seek to Spread Disinformation | Cyber

Hazards include:

  • U.S. Withdraws Some Shanghai Consulate Staff During Covid-19 Outbreak | Biological Hazards
  • 7.4 Magnitude Earthquake Occurs Off Coast of Fukushima Prefecture in Japan | Geological Hazards
  • Red Hill Fuel Leak | HAZMAT Accident
  • Solar Flare Knocks Out Satellites | Space Weather
  • Simultaneous Record Temperatures in Arctic and Antarctic | Meteorological Hazards

State-Sanctioned Hacking Groups: An Overview

In the April 2022 edition of the White Paper Series, the Intelligence & Analysis Division examines state-sanctioned hacking groups, which can serve the objectives of nation-state adversaries, without explicit direction, while receiving safe haven and (likely) tacit approval from their host nation. Groups such as this were involved in the 2021 ransomware attack on Colonial Pipeline, as well as the defacing of a U.S. government website following the killing of a high-profile Iranian military leader by the U.S.

Terrorist Targeting of U.S. Utilities Infrastructure

In the March 2022 edition of the White Paper Series, the Intelligence & Analysis Division examines the targeting of utilities infrastructure by transnational and domestic terrorist groups and individuals. Utilities infrastructure remains a relatively soft target, which if exploited by terrorists could have devastating effects on public health and safety, as well as economic impacts.

North Korea Situation Update

In the February 2022 edition of the White Paper Series, the Intelligence & Analysis Division examines a recent cluster of North Korean missile tests that occurred last month, breaking a period of limited testing activity. The paper also briefly examines the history of North Korea’s missile testing program, as well as the associated technological advancements increasing the threat to DoD assets in the region.